
Ripped in 30- Join the 30 Day Challenge (GIVEAWAY CLOSED)

Hello Brickhouses!!

At the end of my last post I let you know that I would be starting Jillian Michael's:Ripped in 30 today.

How does she manage to be scary and sexy all at once?
This is the follow up to her ridiculously successful 30-Day Shred. (I did it in 2008 and 2009 but never completed past Week 1)

In this DVD, she breaks it down into four weeks. There is a different workout for each week all using her
3-2-1 method. The 3-2-1 method is :
  • THREE minutes of strength
  • TWO minutes of cardio
  • ONE minute of abs
This allows you to get maximum fat-burning results because of the cardio intervals and a total body workout.
If you know anything about Jillian Michaels (or Jill as I affectionately call her because she is my BFF in my head), you know that she KICKS BUTT!! Don't believe me? I looked like HELL after I did it this morning!

Hot, sweaty, confused MESS!!
 But if you have watched Biggest Loser or used any of her DVD's consitently you know you will get results. Just take a look:

Wow! Back flab reduction is STELLAR!!
(R30 Day 1 is the middle photo, last photo is Day 30)

 Look at how toned she looks!
Girlfriend's got that DROP! And it is extra toned after R30

This was acheived in 30 DAYS!
 So as you can see, it is possible to get these type of results in 30 days. It requires a dedication, commitment, and willpower.
Jill always says ' I have 400 pound people that do this workout YOU CAN TOO!!'

So let's get to the GIVEAWAY!!

I will be giving away a  Ripped in 30 DVD and the rules to win are SUPER simple!! All you have to do is:
  • Subscribe to this blog! (Google Connect in the right column)
  • Be willing to share your results with the other Brickhouses/Subscribers!
  • Giveaway ends this Thursday October 13, 2011 at 9:00pm (CST)
That's it! Super simple! Subscribe that's it!! I will be using random.org to select a winner and it will be overnighted to you Friday October 14, 2011 so you'll have it to start with everyone for the 30 Day Challenge on Sunday/Monday.

Jillian Michael's:Ripped in 30 is available at Target, Wal-Mart, and amazon.com. It's supposed to sell for $14.99 but I have seen it as low as $7.06 on amazon.

I would like the 30 Day Challenge to start on this Sunday. We will have weekly check-ins and other stuff that I will have to do another post for! I am here for encouragement and actually started Week 1 today. I'll be starting Week 1 with you guys next week as well. If Mia could work a camcorder without turning it into the Mia show I would have some action shots for you guys! lol

If you are going to participate please comment on the blog or on Facebook so I can compile a list! OMG I am so excited!! LET'S GET IT!!!!

Have a fit-abulous day!!


P.S Ripped in 30 will be henceforth abbreviated as R30.

Photo Credits : http://adventuresinwomanland.wordpress.com/2011/05/18/ripped-in-30-60-30-day-results/


  1. WOW this sounds like fun.... I want to try, I've had this dvd for over a year maybe 2 and I think I did it once.... (shame face), I can't wait

  2. Great! We have about six ladies that have signed on so you will make seven! Please email me @ melakelise@gmail.com With your name,and operation name(ex: operationbrickhouse, operationsexyback, operationanniversarycruise etc) You can do your own measurements and weight but just keep it handy once the challenge ends! Great to have you on "Doingme" :)

  3. Oops! Your blog is Doing me! You are Working on me!! lol sorry

  4. OKCMOM...saw your post on curl rehab and I am so in! I can't wait!

  5. @OKCMOM so glad that you are joining us! Please come up with your operation name so I can add you to the list and tomorrow's post :)


Please add your name at the beginning of the comment so I can know who you are :)